Marital Peace and Elections

While we await the announcement of the final election results by INEC… In 2011, Bobo and I voted for opposing parties. He didn’t know my party loyalties until after I had cast my vote. When I told him, he laughed and called my candidate a loser. I held my peace.

Fast forward to last Saturday 28th March, 2015’s Presidential election, the story has changed. My loser candidate is now his main man, I’ve being practically gloating. I said ehn see yourself… story don change abi?

At the end of the day,In Marriage what binds us together is stronger than the elections, party loyalties and candidate preference. keep calm

P.S: Is it just me or did any one else notice, the amount of creativity during this year’s election campaigns as regards the jingles both radio and television?

Love Zansi

Twitter: @zansisgroove




Spiritual Essentials

A few weeks ago here, I promised to share a list of my spiritual essentials. just simple ways I find to connect with my center so enough of the suspense… Please feel free to add to this list in the comments section below and I do look forward to hearing your suggestions of your spiritual essentials.

Spiritual Essentials

(Click here to download)

Some of it seems to go against the grain of traditional doctrine, For a very long time in my life I believed the only ways to connect with God was through prayers and reading the bible and while these are two of my favorite ways to connect with God, over time I realize that I can also experience the essence of God in the simple things like watching the Anima series over and over again! or spending quality time on Jon Jorgenson’s blog , or watching the sun rise with my son on a Saturday morning and after that my spirit is filled and light and radiant then I am more able to do the works God has entrusted on me to do…

And at that moment I know without a doubt that I’d just been with the Spirit of God.

I look forward to hearing from you. You see something missing? Do tell  me about it.

Love Zansi

Twitter: @zansisgroove



7 Simple ways to encourage healthy living in children

get moving 1

Childhood obesity is something that flies under the radar here in Nigeria. It’s there but nobody’s really talking about it. You know when you see those kids running around the mall with their belly hanging over their jeans like a baby whale? I know this look because I have over-weight nephews and nieces and while I do admit that genetics has a huge role to play in being overweight I also appreciate the fact that tiny changes here and there can have a huge effect on a child’s weight. So here are a few ways that I use to encourage healthy living in my children.

  1. Potty Training. Yes it starts from potty training. I encourage my children to go potty every day. And I make it something they are proud of. In fact your poo is celebrated with a high five and a good job in my house. It is something to be proud of.
  2. Water Water Water: I don’t need to expend much energy on extolling the virtues of water. Our bodies are made up of 60% (?) of water, right? So water at every meal. Cute and cool water bottles help. Look for ways to encourage children to drink water.
  3. Early to bed- Early to rise. An adult needs an average of 6-8 hours of sleep daily. A child needs more than that. So work out bed time from wake-up time. My kids are in bed by 8.30pm and up by 6.30am… that’s a lot of Zzzzzz. You should see their energy-level when they wake up ….. It’s like whoosh! Through the roof!
  4. A balanced diet: While I don’t encourage a restrictive diet in children except on doctor’s orders. I do worry when kids get no variety in their meals. No fruits, No veggies and a lot of junk. Let’s cut back on the heavily processed foods, the pizzas, the burgers, the fast foods. Nothing feels as good as a home –cooked meal. I am quite aware some children are picky eaters so it may take time and a lot of effort to find what they like eating but the end result is worth it. Don’t give up.
  5. Breakfast: My kids dislike breakfast time so much, so I switched breakfast to smoothies. Find out what works for your kids but try to discourage them skipping breakfast.
  6. Fruits: I do admit fruits can be expensive but once I have the cash I forgo their once a day snack (They get a sippy drink and a biscuit a day for school snack time) and switch to fruits ;carrots, oranges, apples, tangerines and grapes are popular choices. At home they get watermelons, pawpaws and mangos, basically whatever fruit is in season. Once again keep experimenting till you find what works.Don’t give up.
  7. Get moving: I saved the best for the last. We need to get our kids moving more. I can never forget when I asked my nephew if he’d like to go for a walk with me and he asked if we were taking the car. He was 10 years old at this time. It doesn’t cost a lot to get children moving. Going for walks is a popular choice. It may not be daily but I try to make it as often as possible. Getting children moving doesn’t have to be expensive. A couple of Sundays ago We went to the Kanu Ndubusi Park at Alausa and they haven’t stopped taking about it. Last Sunday it was bubbles.. yep I said bubbles.. blowing bubbles and having them run around to catch them. We also enjoy going to the pool for swimming as often as possible, I have mentioned that before HERE.
Kanu Ndubuisi park at Alausa, Lagos

Kanu Ndubuisi park at Alausa, Lagos

I know it sounds like a lot to do but you don’t have to do it all at once. One habit here one habit there. But don’t quit, Raising a healthy living child is worth the effort. This is a topic that is very passionate to me and I would really like to hear your simple ways of encouraging healthy living in your children.

Please note I’m neither a doctor nor a nutritionist, I’m just a concerned parent.



Twitter: @zansisgroove



get moving 2

I know it sounds like a lot to do but you don’t have to do it all at once. One habit here one

ToolBox Essentials

According to Wikipedia, the four main branches of engineering are Chemical engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Although according to Wikipedia again other specialties exists as combinations of traditional fields and new discoveries. When I decided I wanted to study Engineering It wasn’t difficult for me to decide which branch. I simply steered clear of the Electrical and Chemical fields for the obvious reasons I sucked at Chemistry and Electrics so it was down to Civil and Mechanical. Aeronautics and Automobiles kind of edged me into Mechanical Engineering but what sealed it for me were the TOOLS!! Mechanical Engineering has some of the coolest tools ever!! When you hold them you just wanna break something, build it back up, screw it, saw it… ahh (little did I know) Studying in a Nigerian University, I can count how many times I’ve actually touched a tool, The few tools I gathered was during my internship with Julius Berger and those few have been “obtained” by my husband.

This is picture of what my ideal tool storage would look like… yep an entire garage full of shiny stuff!

But you want to build up a toolbox here are a few essentials to help you get started.

Toolbox Essentials

Toolbox Essentials

(Click here to download a free printable!!)

Do you have any essential tool not listed? Do tell me about it!


cool engineering

Twitter: @zansisgroove



Cooling A warming Planet: Part 1

Artificial cooling has had a profound effect on how, and where, we live and work

 Did you know?

  • Air Conditioning is the control of not just the temperature but the humidity, the air quality and the air flow in a space.
  •  In 1902, Willis Carrier patented the air conditioner, a device that would impact factory productivity, building design, population trends, and, ultimately, the growth of cities.
  •  When a national group of urban planning historians was asked to rank the most important influences on the American metropolis in the last half of the 20th century, their top 10 list focused on social, economic and political developments. Of the many technological devices that helped shape our lives during that era, only two made the list: the automobile and the air conditioner.
  • A 2008 National Bureau of Economic Research study concluded that in the era of air conditioning, the general tendency of hot weather to depress economic activity no longer affects the world’s wealthier nations.
  • Air conditioning applications are broadly divided into comfort and process  applications.
  • Process applications aim to provide a suitable environment for a process being carried out such as Hospital operating theatres, in which air is filtered to high levels to reduce infection risk and the humidity controlled to limit patient dehydration.,  Clean rooms for the production of integrated circuits, pharmaceuticals, and the like, in which very high levels of air cleanliness and control of temperature and humidity are required for the success of the process ,Facilities for breeding laboratory animals,Data centers, Textile manufacturing, Nuclear power facilities, food cooking and processing areas,chemical and biological labs.
  • Comfort applications aim to control indoor environment in buildings such as residential buildings, malls, shopping centers, restaurants, transportation applications such as vehicles, trains, ships, aircraft, and spacecrafts and  sports stadiums such as the  Qatar stadium for the 2022 FIFA World Cup
  •  Refrigerants are the key to air conditioning and refrigeration, but they can also be serious troublemakers when released into the atmosphere.
  •  The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in its air conditioners refrigerants are blamed for the growing hole in the Earth’s ozone layer
  •  Under the 1989 Montreal Protocol Refrigerants such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that harm the stratospheric ozone layer are being phased out.

The world is warming, incomes are rising, and economies are booming, one result of this is a booming market for air conditioning — world sales in 2011 were up 13 percent over 2010, and that growth is expected to accelerate in coming decades.

As demand increases in the world’s warmer regions, global energy consumption for air conditioning is expected to continue to rise dramatically and could have a major impact on climate change.

The big question is this, how do we strike a balance?


cool engineering

Twitter: @zansisgroove



F is for Finding Balance: Finding Balance in 2015

Okay guys, January is over and its time to get settled into the year. Time to start or continue working on your goals for the year. This is serious homework so settle in, grab a pen and paper and find a quiet spot. yep, I said pen and paper because we are going to make 2015 look like 5 years.

“Our lives are like clay on a potter’s wheel. Each day, the wheel turns anew, and with our decisions and choices we shape our lives. Your life is your masterpiece, your unique creation.”
Finding balance is something I think is going to be very essential this year especially this February. As we end January with all the hoopla and New Year’s resolutions, it becomes eminent that we have to draw a road map this month. Simply knowing where we want to go is not enough; a lot of times we know we want to be happy, healthy and successful and what that means is different for us all, nevertheless we have to figure out how to get there.
So I suggest you find a quiet spot, grab a pen and a notebook because this is serious business, my people… *winks
Over time I have discovered that maintaining a healthy life balance is not only essential for happiness and well-being, it can be a tremendous boost to productivity and career or business success as well. A well-balanced person has a far greater ability to focus their attention and energy on attaining their goals, taking productive actions and moving forward in a meaningful way.
The big question is…What does life balance really mean? What would a balanced life look like to us? And most importantly, how do we go about achieving it in the midst of our crazy schedules?
There are steps you can take to change what isn’t working and get back some control and balance in your life. And once you start seeing results you’ll be better equipped to maintain that new found equilibrium. The key is not to try to change everything at once, but to make small adjustments over time to determine what works for you. Eventually you will have a whole new set of positive life habits and you’ll never look back.
Today I will be sharing 3 of my favorite and time tried tools in finding balance in my life because trust me life can get crazy and out-of-control.


This is an excellent tool that helps look critically at where we focus our time and energy. We each have a wide range of concerns — our health, our children, problems at work, our aged parents and so much more. We can separate these our concerns from things in which we have no particular mental or emotional involvement by creating a “Circle of Concern and as we look at those things within our Circle of Concern, it becomes apparent that there are some things over which we have no real control and others that we can do something about. We can identify those concerns that we have direct control over and place them within a smaller circle; a Circle of Influence. By determining which of these two circles to focus most of our time and energy, we can improve our efficiency exponentially. So think today, Do you want to focus on things within your circle of influence; things you have a direct control over or you what to focus on everything within your circle of concern?


Philosopher Herb Shepherd describes the healthy balanced life around four dimensions: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social. Let’s break it down.

Finding Balance for me means exercising all four dimensions regularly and consistently, in wise and balanced ways.

The Physical Dimension: The physical dimension involves caring effectively for my physical body; What, when and how I eat, getting sufficient rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis.

The Spiritual Dimension: This is my core and center. This is a very private and important area of my life and I will share at a later date a list of my spiritual essentials and it includes essentials like Volunteering, fasting, prayer and meditation. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift me and tie into the timeless truths of all humanity.

The Mental Dimension: Most of our mental development and study discipline comes through formal education. But as soon as we leave the external discipline of school, many of us let our minds atrophy. We don’t do any more serious reading nor writing; we don’t explore new subjects in any real depth outside our action fields. Reading quality literature and writing are examples of areas I set my mental goals in. Basically, Mental Dimension covers : Career goals, Financial goals and Intellectual goals

The Social Dimension: The social dimension is developed and manifested in my relationships with others. I set my social goals first from how I relate with myself, to how I relate to my family, to my community, to my workplace and on and on.

One very important question in goal setting for me is this: “What do I really want to do with my life?” I will return to this question, over and over again, in months and years ahead. “What do I really want to do with my life?”
I have a similar goal settling list for my children as well.


The final tool and one of my personal favorites is the vision board which is basically creating a pictural view of all my goals for the year. Creating a dream board or vision board is very similar to writing out your goals in life, except a vision invokes more emotion than simply writing out your goals. This difference adds an interesting element that has proved to be powerful for me and many others. For my vision board I use the Pinterest app. There are loads of pictures there and it’s just simply a very cool website. So don’t wait, please head over to view my Vision board for 2015, create an account and start pinning. Search for images that speak to you and do follow my board here.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s make 2015 and beyond amazing!!

A Final Word:

PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE, PERSEVERANCE If it seems like you’re working and working and your goal is still a long way off – don’t get discouraged. You are never wasting your time! You’re always learning and building momentum towards your future in the form of experience, self-knowledge, and confidence.
A good sense of humor is also very important. When stuff threaten to overwhelm you – stop! Take an break. Even 30 minutes spent doing something enjoyable and relaxing can liberate your mind and emotions and help you return to your tasks with renewed concentration and energy.

Do you have a Vision Board you would like to share or a story about how it worked for you?

Love Zansi


Twitter: @zansisgroove



The Thin Line

“Today is a brand new day. My past does not define me. My future is mine to create.”

The thin line

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I’m unashamed about it. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. However, the Christmas was hard. I literally had my heart broken. I was expecting something and I had put my all in, made plans around it and poof just like that nothing. Nada. Zilch. And it felt like it would never mend again.
December – January is a very tough season for a lot of people. Yes there are lots of activities going on alongside the evaluating and strategizing, blinking of a million Christmas lights alongside New year resolutions but underneath it all a lots of hearts a breaking.
Mental health and Well being is not something that gets mentioned often in our society and while I’m not advocating running to a therapist every single time things don’t go the way you expect it to, I also realize that a lot of people are in pain not physically but deep deep down inside. We all walk a thin line trying to keep it all together some more than others.When everybody expects you to put on a smile, your life is perfect and as difficult as it may sound, you have to fight for your mental well being. Don’t give up and don’t take it for granted. Do something constructive. Don’t lay there and let the dark side take over.
Wake up, get up, take a shower, go for a walk, breathe deeply, dance, talk to someone, scream help, whatever you do don’t keep quiet. Even when you don’t feel like it, especially when you don’t feel like it because little by little, one day at a time when you least expect it ….. broken hearts mend.

Happy New Year to one and all….

happy new year

Love Zansi

Twitter: @zansisgroove



The ULES Engineering Ladies Day

“It is increasingly obvious that there are certain challenges facing ladies in the engineering profession however these challenges are particularly unique. From a 3 point perspective, there will be challenges faced as a professional woman, challenges faced as an engineer and challenges faced due to our environment. Certain common sense principles can make you more effective in dealing with these challenges.”

-Zansi Adebowale

A few months ago I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking to a group of female engineering students at the University of Lagos. The program was organized by the University of Lagos Engineering society (ULES) and I was invited as a member of Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN).

The theme of the event was “The Lady Engineer and the 21st century’. I get really excited when I get invited to events like this a little too excited so I jumped to my computer and started typing away line after line and preparing myself for this my ‘amazing’ presentation about how awesome and amazing engineering is,how the future in engineering is so bright and all the magnificent things engineers are doing around the world. On my way to the event, I had a light bulb moment, while this ‘amazing’ presentation was amazing with pictures and videos and all I decided to speak from another angle.. 3 angles to be precise
1. The challenges facing the Engineering profession
2. The challenges facing Female engineers
3. The challenges faced due to this environment

So while I will not go into detail of everything I spoke about here are some extracts

Time: Time is finite. It ends so we need to plan our time better.

Capacity: Do you have what it takes? What are you bringing to the table? Investing in yourself, improving yourself is not being selfish. You are your greatest asset.

Hardwork and Character: The basics matter a lot. Respect, Attitude, Hygiene, Vision and so on

Environment: Chaos is a sign of a solution it all depends on the way you approach it

And above all decide your path; management, innovation, research, consulting and pursue it.

One of the most intriguing questions I got at the end was when a young lady asked how to deal with discriminations in the workplace especially as regards climbing the corporate ladder. This wasn’t my response but this is what I wish I said. I wish I told her to have the courage to search for a solution to climbing that ladder, to be creative about it and do what she could to get the power to change the situation. Simply take your ladder and lean it on another wall… it could take a year and it could take five years but at the end it’ll be worth it.

So in all I really want to congratulate the spirited engineers that put the event all together and all the other speakers at the event (I can’t remember all of them)

The representative of Engr Sandra Aguebor Ekperuoh; The Director Lady Mechanic Initiative.

Mrs Dolapo Aolabi; The Director of Afara Leadership Development Programme.

Engr Nimot. Muili is a Principal Engineer with Arup Nigeria and Chairman Apwen Lagos branch.

And a special shout out to Subomi  and Fatima …you Rock! … Kisses mmmwah!!

Love Zansi

Twitter: @zansisgroove



Engr Nimot and Myself  flanked by some of the engineering students

Engr Nimot and Myself flanked by some of the engineering students


Zansi doing her thing!

If you will like to learn more about the Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN), their events and the work they are doing please visit their website by following the link.

WESCI 2014: My 2 Cents

A few weeks ago I attended the World Engineering Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure (WESCI 2014) with the theme: Development of Sustainable Infrastructure in Africa hosted by The Nigerian Society Engineers (NSE) held 2nd-7th of November 2014 in Abuja. This was the first time I was away from the kids for more than two days. I was very apprehensive and high strung but after the first day in Abuja I decided to let go and enjoy the experience.

The launching of the Young Engineers Forum of Nigeria (YEFON), an arm of the Nigeria Society of Engineers which intends to carter for its young members. You can read more about this on their website here

The NSE Presentation by Ing. Malcolm Pautz; The Vice President South African Institution of Civil Engineering on Producing Infrastructure Score Card: The South African Experience


Ibrahim Ogundeko; The Winner of the Young Engineers Project Award for Humanitarian. I have had the pleasure of working and interacting with Ibrahim. He is eloquent, respectful and passionate. Listening to him speak about his project was extremely delightful especially because this is my present field of engineering and He spoke on his project on a Solar Powered Refrigerator with Solar Tracking Incorporated for Optimal Power Generation. I see bright things in his future.

Engr Kunle Adebajo; The Chairman Ove Arup and Partners: It was a absolute delight to hear Engr Adebajo speak. Taking out time to speak with young engineers was admirable and a lot of the things he spoke about especially about dealing in the work environment and in the engineering industry were absolutely on point.

YEFON: this was my first time of seeing such a huge turnout of young engineers at ANY NSE programmes. Bravo!


Social Media: There was little to no presence on social media. There were so many keynote speakers during the parallel technical sessions from all over the world. You’d have to be a serious “winchy” to attend all the sessions. The use of YouTube could have helped out.

Recycling: Nothing was done with the waste produced well except it was done in secret.

The Exhibition: I would love to see more ‘stuff’ at the next exhibition.

I am looking forward to the 2015 National Conference to hold in Akure, Ondo State “The Sunshine State” 7th – 11th December, 2015.

All in all, It was nice experience. I didn’t take too many pictures on purpose because I really wanted to experience the event. It is easy to miss out on what is been said when trying to get pictures.
At the end of the day, it is nice to be back home with some very spicy kilishi (local sun-dried meat)!!


wesci abuja

Love Zansi

Twitter: @zansisgroove



If you will like to learn more about the NSE or the World Federation of Engineering Organizations WFEO (The WFEO are the organizers of the World Engineering Conferences), their events and the work they are doing please visit their websites by following the links below




Conversations with Obianuju baby

Conversation 1

Obianuju:Hi dear

B: Hey

O: Looking forward to seeing you soon.I’m glad you are feeling better. I feel like you’re an egg. When I see you I’d be too scared to hug you too tight. So you don’t crack. Like an egg. Not just any egg. A Fabergé  egg….Shiny and sparkly. And priceless. Yes, Priceless.

B: Naaaa egg of steel!!!

O: Yeah. Will you now grab it and be tossing it around ni? Ehn? Bush girl!!!

B: *Laughs!!

 Conversation 2

F: For your 100% human hair at great prices…

Obianuju: *checks F’s dp

Obianuju: Ewwww…. Spiderrrr on your dp!!Eeeewwww!

F: *Laughs

O: Eeeeewww!! Iyama!!

F *changes dp

O: Ahh nice!! This one is better. Like you chopped somebody’s head off. Shhhhhssshhh!! Where’s the body? I won’t tell anybody.

F: Ok. I will tell you past midnight.

O: Ahhhh! I’m not sleeping tonight oh! Hot gist fa! *dancing etigi


Conversation 3

Obianuju: Send me your picture na. At least if I can’t see you in person fa.

K: you want to laugh at ugly me abi?

O: haba! Laugh at you why???

K: *K sends picture of her legs

O: K This is a very sexy picture. I want to see your face not your legs. Your legs are sexy . very juicy. Like a well roasted grilled peppered chicken. That’s to let you know I’m hungry.

K: Godness. Now I’m extremely hungry . I’m looking for grilled chicken.

O: I’m so buying grilled chicken on my way home today.

K * sends another picture of her face

O: you look so beautiful.

K: I don’t believe you jooor!

O: You look like perfectly whipped caramel ice cream. Like I can lick you!! When I was pregnant I looked like amala….. badly made amala. With koko!

O* sends picture


 Conversation 4

Obianuju: Parenting is like an MBA or worse sef.

T: I’m telling you.

O: Married women be celebrating the arrival of their period like a Uni_ runs babe.

T:  Uni_ ke?

O: Its true na

T: * angry face

O: That’s the part of my statement you want to dwell on? Seriously?

T: only Uni_ people are allowed to diss Uni_

O: Enjoy yourself. Go and sit down jare



My HOD is always wondering what I’m chatting about on my phone.  Well… now you know!


Love Zansi Obianuju

Me and my Phone

Me and my Phone